We are in need of a new facility/ acreage to accommodate growth & God's Vision
We are in need of a new facility/ acreage to accommodate growth & God's Vision

Christ Fit Gym CDA is a fitness community, centered around Christ.
Our main goal is to positively impact the world and raise awareness of Jesus, starting in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Through exercise and events, we emphasize relying on Jesus, utilizing individual talents to glorify God, and spreading the gospel.
Our Mission
1 Timothy 4:8 says, “for physical fitness has some value, but Godliness has value in all things. Holding promise for the present life and the life to come.”
Christ Fit is a 501 (c)3 non-profit donation-based gym addressing the mind, heart and body. Bridging the gap between Sunday and Sunday service, we use exercise and events to spread the Gospel, reach the lost, and equip the saints. We are a community centered on Christ, uniting the church and building a safe and healthy environment for all ages.
Our Values
We want to change the community and make Jesus famous, because Jesus is the answer to every problem we have on earth. We love people and we love Jesus and we care where they will spend eternity, heaven or hell. We want to see every person in heaven.
This world is filled with hurt people, and just like Jesus came to seek and save the lost, Luke 19:10 our mission is to seek and save the lost. Creating a healthy community one person at a time. Building a healthy temple (we are the temple). Everyone desires community and to be loved, we want to be a place you experience both.
Christ Fit’s Team Culture
Creating a loving, Christ centered community, where everyone is challenged and coached to be a healthier, better, more incredible version of the person God created them to be.
Our goal is to help people find and understand how valuable they are in God’s eyes, that their identity is in Christ and who God created them to be, and to help them unlock the gifts and talents God has given them and how they can properly use them for themselves, others and the community.
We will always put Jesus Christ and the word of God first, and our goal is to show people how and why they should do the same through the love of God the Father, prayer, devotionals and high intensity workouts.

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.
1 Timothy 4:8